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Take a little trip back in time to when humans used to rely on hunting before the introduction of agriculture, but hunting remained crucial even after agriculture was adopted. However, agriculture allowed for the cultivation of crops, which led to the creation of diverse and delicious dishes. Cooking became an art form and a way to connect with others over a shared meal. Today, we have an abundance of food options. Just like agriculture, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is presenting a groundbreaking approach to art creation.

Educating the audience while taking care of their attention span needs an entirely new kind of content that could feed two birds with one scone. And it’s possible only through explainer videos.

The human mind learns more effectively through visuals than by reading or hearing. It’s because our brain is hardwired to grasp visual information faster – More than 50 percent of the cortex, the brain’s surface, is devoted to processing visual information that can process an image in only 13 milliseconds.

The marketing industry has changed tremendously. A message reaches millions of internet users instantly, regardless of time and space. The covid-19 pandemic shook the world and gave rise to virtual engagement. People are exposed to content marketing more than ever before. Digital marketers are exerting themselves to develop something that informs and entices the target audience.